Nuts and Bolts

Your Fiddle and Bow Country Dancers is a completely volunteer run organization! Please ask what you can do to help set up for the dances or take down and clean up afterward whenever you can.  The dedicated all volunteer board works many hours behind the scenes to make these dances happen so we are thankful for all who help out on dance nights.

Thank you!

Did you know that several local bands and callers work for us for a reduced amount to help this dance financially?

A few generous people donate regularly and many donate during the annual fund raiser or at other times.

Thank you!

Because of having to work around dance weekends, holidays and national events or to take advantage of touring bands, our schedule is necessarily  irregular.

Better check here first before coming to a dance!
 You don’t want to be the only one at a “dance” or on the other hand, miss a dance – your feet wouldn’t be happy!

Current Board:

Nick Boulet – President  ( opens/closes venues, email list, volunteers in many ways)
Dawn Vallieres – Vice President (opens/closes venues, volunteers in many ways)

Kathleen Rice –  Secretary (taking meeting minutes and writing them up.)
Jeremiah Robinfield – Treasurer (book keeping, program payments and receipts, tax filing, recruiter of new dancers!!)
George Segebade – Feet Retreat Coordinator
Patty Davis – Feet Retreat Registrar
Lyle Jaffe – At large board member (voluneers in many ways)


Volunteers are needed!
To help in various capacities such as:
Knollwood and Grange opener or closer for a day or short period of time
You can learn the various things that we do at each venue by doing them with us then take charge of a specific thing such as sweep floors or help set up sound.
Coordinate a special occasion like George did for the recent Memorial dance.

OUTREACH – growing the dance
Each individual  dancer who comes to our dances can do a lot to help our dance grow and be stronger.

  • come to as many of our dances as circumstance allows-you are needed on the dance floor to make it fun!
  • by word of mouth – work your enthusiasm of contra dancing into your conversations
  • volunteer to put up posters at designated locations and let us know your idea for a poster location or on-line media outlet
  • carry our business cards with you wherever you go (we will be printing some soon)
  • help new people to feel welcome by taking good care of them during the dance, making a special effort to ask them to dance and getting to know them without being pushy
  • Members – have a few guest cards on hand to give out to friends who have never danced with us.  These allow you to invite those really interested in it to their first dance for FREE.  Its an inexpensive way to bring friends with you to enjoy their first dance.
  • wear contra dance tee shirts and buttons out in public as conversation starters
  • keep your ears open to events or places we might hold a contra dance for people who have never danced and let us know about it

Feet Retreat contra dance weekend Sept 20-22, 2024 at Camp Millstone, near Ellerbe, NC

See you on the dance floor!