New to Contra?

Contra Dance
Contra dance is a modern form of traditional community dancing with ties to European folk dancing that goes back many centuries.  Its the easiest type of dancing there is and most fun and accessible because there is no fancy footwork, no leading required and no experience necessary!  And, you don’t have to bring a partner! You will  dance with people of all ages.  It is traditional to switch partners after each  8-9 minute  dance.
See the short video:

“What is Contra Dancing”

Getting Started in Contra Dancing
Its easy to get started if you’ve never done any kind of dancing before.  “If you can walk, you can dance.”  We  have a FREE beginner’s lesson (more of an orientation) 30 minutes before the dance every time.  Usually you’ll find new people just like you getting started at every dance.

Each individual dance is first taught and walked through, then called while the band plays lively music and you walk patterns at a vigorous pace with “partners”, “neighbors” and other dancers.  You’ll interact with them by way of many hand holding as well as non-touching ways.   You may feel a little awkward at first, but come a few times and you”ll soon be having the greatest time of your life.
Remember: “Everyone makes mistakes, but… nobody cares!”
Its all for fun, interaction, exercise and enjoyment.

Here is a video of the fun we have!
Contra Dance Fun at Salem College

– If you’re new, dance with experienced dancers who will help you through the        moves and you’ll learn quickly.
– Anyone can ask anyone to dance – its an equal opportunity activity.
– This is a drug, alcohol and fragrance free activity
– Wear cool clothing and be prepared to perspire – it is great exercise.
– Bring your own water bottle if you prefer, though drinking fountains or tap              water is available.

Please bring clean, soft soled, non-marring,  shoes without spiked heels (heels should be 3/4″ width minimum) to preserve the fine floors we’re privileged to dance on and to make dancing comfortable and more fun for you.

Admission: CASH or CHECK at the door.

Saturday or  Sunday $10
Salem College students and faculty $3
Children 12 and under – FREE

All the dances are so much fun with people of all ages dancing including quite a few new people each time, whom you’ll enjoy meeting.  Every dance has a different mix of people, caller and band and is unique – don’t miss any!